Spellcraft 3:
with Falcon River and Ruth Barrett
This class will be offered again in 2025
Via ZOOM (online)
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Prerequisites: Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition, Spellcraft 1 & 2
Living a magickal life requires a practice of choosing to be fully alive and living in conscious relationship within the Web we share with other sentient beings. This class series goes deeper into understanding and learning ways of folk magick, spellcraft and customs to incorporate into daily life and deepen your magickal practice.
Topics the class will be covering include:
Going deeper with how folk (associative) magick works.
How to practice discernment by evaluating a spell's construction.
The use of wards to protect your home, family, and community.
Ways to cultivate right relationship with the land “folk”.
Knot magick
Appalachian folk magick
Ethics and hexing
Magick for the home

Participation is limited to 10 women (you must be a biological XX female human) on a first-come basis.
TO REGISTER: The cost for the class series is $130-$150 (sliding, based on ability to pay). Because the class is limited to twelve participants, please email Ruth before registering so she can confirm your space. Once your space is confirmed, please register. The registration deadline is _____. Cancellations after the deadline cannot be refunded.
You can register via PayPal using guardiansofthegrove3x3@gmail.com
or by clicking the button here.